Dolly Parton, married for 57 years, faced a turning point in 1984 when a hysterectomy ended her dream of having children, plunging her into a two-year depression. Choosing to embrace God’s plan, she redirected her focus toward others’ children, considering them her own. Parton, a longtime friend of Billy Ray Cyrus, became the godmother to Miley at birth. Throughout Miley’s “Hannah Montana” phase, Parton provided guidance, stressing humility amidst fame.
In the face of Miley’s transition from child star to a more provocative artist, Parton defended her, highlighting growth and talent. Their on-screen collaboration contributed to connecting with a younger audience, and Parton supported Miley’s journey wholeheartedly. The strong bond between them was evident in a 2023 duet and a TV special collaboration.
Now 30, Miley considers Parton her idol and role model. The duo’s chemistry and love shine in their collaborations, with Miley expressing gratitude for Parton’s guidance and cherishing their “truly real” relationship.