Princess Lilibet Turns 3: Inside Her Life in California Where She Feeds Chickens & Helps with Gardening

Princess Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor celebrated her third birthday with a cozy gathering at her Montecito home. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle organized an intimate event surrounded by family and friends, including notable celebrities like Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom. The Duke and Duchess prioritize a private, normal upbringing for their children, involving activities like feeding chickens, baking, and gardening.

Despite the family’s step back from royal duties, Princess Lilibet retains a strong connection to her royal heritage. Her name reflects this, and King Charles III’s recent gift and message for her birthday further highlighted this bond, despite ongoing familial tensions.

Living in Montecito, California, the Sussex children enjoy a serene and private lifestyle. In March 2023, a small christening ceremony was held for Princess Lilibet. A spokesperson confirmed, “Princess Lilibet Diana was christened on Friday, March 3,” though notable royals did not attend. The children’s daily life includes simple pleasures like gardening and playing freely.

Prince Harry and Meghan have openly shared their transformative journey as parents. Their 2021 Christmas card introduced Princess Lilibet to the world. Meghan cherishes moments with her daughter, like when Lilibet said, “Mama, I see me in you.” Prince Harry emphasizes showering his children with love, drawing from his own childhood experiences. Despite the complexities with the Royal Family, the bonds of family and heritage remain significant, with King Charles III acknowledging Lilibet’s birthday.

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