This Oklahoma Girl Lived with ‘Cruel’ Dad, Yet Became Country Star & Found Love after Ex Moved on with Her Friend

Reba McEntire, a renowned country star, grew up in Chockie, Oklahoma, with four siblings. As the middle child, she craved attention, especially from her father, who never expressed love to his children. Her older sister described their father as someone who “liked being recognized as a champion cowboy” and “by our standards, they would say he was cruel.” Despite winning in basketball and barrel racing, Reba’s true talent was singing, discovered at age five.

Reba married TV producer Narvel Blackstock and had a son, Shelby. After 26 years, Narvel demanded a divorce, leaving Reba devastated. To make matters worse, Narvel began a relationship with one of her close friends. Reba’s friend noted, “Narvel was her protector, her business partner and manager, and it was really tough on her…”

Despite the heartbreak, Reba moved forward and found love with Rex Linn. Initially uninterested in dating, Reba met Linn in 1991 and reconnected in 2020. She shared, “He’s the love of my life. We’re pretty much inseparable.”

Reba values the small gestures in her relationship with Linn. She enjoys making him coffee, and he rubs her feet and shoulders. Reba emphasizes the importance of attentiveness, saying, “It’s the little things that I admire so much.”

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