4 Friends Promise to Reunite in 40 Years, 3 Men Show Up and Find Note Saying, ‘I’m Not Coming’ – Story of the Day

At Santa Monica beach, four high school friends—Ben, Todd, Willie, and Karl—faced the bittersweet reality of their post-graduation separation. Karl was moving to Spain, Ben to New York, Todd to Mexico, while Willie stayed in Los Angeles. To stay connected, Willie suggested they meet annually at the beach, but the idea evolved into a promise to reunite in 40 years on June 11, 2017.

Years passed, and the friends’ lives diverged. Willie founded an IT company, Todd took over his father’s bait shop, and Ben became a top lawyer. Despite occasional contact, Karl’s whereabouts remained a mystery. On the reunion day, Willie, Ben, and Todd met at the beach, but Karl was missing. They found a note from Karl: “I’m not coming! But I wish you good luck and hope you have a wonderful time at the beach. Don’t wait for me. I won’t come.”

Concerned, the trio visited Karl’s nephew, Andrew, who revealed that Karl, struggling financially, had asked him to leave the note. They flew to Spain and found Karl living in poor conditions, using a crutch. Karl tearfully admitted he had lied about his success to avoid their pity.

Willie, Ben, and Todd forgave Karl and decided to help him. They planned to take him to Los Angeles for surgery and then to Mexico to work with Todd. The friends vowed to meet every June 11 at Santa Monica beach, promising, “No more secrets between us…and no more lies, deal?” They swore, proving that true friendship has no expiration date.

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