I Rented My Apartment to a Sweet Old Couple – When They Moved Out, I Was Shocked by What I Found Inside

I met Hans and Greta on a rainy Tuesday. The apartment I was renting had bare concrete floors due to a water leak. Despite this, Hans and Greta were unfazed. Hans laughed, “Looks like a blank canvas, doesn’t it, Greta?” She agreed, calling it “quite an opportunity.” They insisted on installing new flooring themselves, and I agreed to cover the cost of materials.

Hans and Greta moved in and quickly made the apartment cozy. They were perfect tenants, always paying rent on time and maintaining the apartment impeccably. They even invited me over for tea regularly. However, towards the end of their lease, they started acting strange, packing boxes with urgency. One day, they handed me the keys and left abruptly. Greta said, “We’re sorry, Mike. We have to go.”

Curious, I checked the apartment the next day and was shocked to find the laminate flooring gone, revealing bare concrete again. I texted Hans, asking what happened. He replied, explaining it was a Dutch custom to take the floor when moving out. He added they left in a hurry due to a family emergency.

Though initially confused, I understood their actions were based on cultural differences. Hans and Greta later sent a heartfelt letter, inviting me to visit them in the Netherlands. Despite the odd ending, I fondly remembered their kindness and hospitality. Their quirks and traditions made them unique, and I appreciated the unexpected bond we formed.

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