My Girlfriend Left My Dog at the Shelter While I Was at Work — When I Went to Take Him Home, He Was Gone

Frankie wasn’t just a pet; he was my anchor during tough times. His unconditional love filled the void left by my parents’ departure. I installed cameras at home to stay connected with him when work kept me late. Frankie, a one-eyed, three-pawed Great Pyrenees, was the most important “person” in my life.

When I met my girlfriend, Leslie, I made it clear that Frankie was a crucial part of my life. She seemed to understand until we discussed moving in together. One evening, while house hunting, she shocked me by saying, “Frankie couldn’t come with us.” An intense argument followed, ending with her leaving in anger.

Days later, Leslie returned, and we reconciled, deciding to move in together. However, just weeks after moving, I came home to find Frankie missing. Leslie had taken him to a shelter, forcing me to choose between her and Frankie. I chose Frankie and ended our relationship.

At the shelter, I learned Frankie had been adopted. A worker discreetly mentioned a park where his new owner frequented. I spent days waiting until I finally saw Frankie with Emma and her daughter, Olivia. After explaining my story, Emma agreed to let me visit Frankie daily. Our lives intertwined, leading to Emma and me marrying, with Frankie playing a central role in our new family.

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