My Husband Pretended to Rent Our House While He Actually Owned It, Karma Didn’t Let It Slide

I had always been frugal, putting dreams of vacations and luxuries on hold to manage our household expenses. “I just want to go on a vacation in a sunny place,” I told my best friend, Jessica. “Soon,” she reassured me, knowing I was close to sorting out the house.

Every month, a significant portion of my paycheck went to rent. Paul, my husband, handled the payments. “Don’t worry, darling,” Paul would say. But one day, while he was on a business trip, I decided to make the payment myself. At the bank, the teller confirmed that the payments went to a Mrs. Helen Parker—Paul’s mother.

Shocked, I found ownership documents in Paul’s study showing he owned the house. I also discovered messages between Paul and Helen discussing their plan to keep me in the dark. “What the heck?” I muttered. A storm hit, flooding our house. When Paul returned, I confronted him. “I found the bank records, the ownership documents, and your messages to Helen. I know everything.”

Paul’s deceit was unforgivable. “You’ve been using me for years,” I said, deciding to leave him. I consulted a lawyer, and the court ordered Paul and his mother to repay me. With my newfound financial freedom, I moved to a small apartment and filed for divorce, leaving Paul and his lies behind.

What would you have done?

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