My Wife Told Me Tо Abandon My Daughter and Move out for a Few Weeks — When I Found out Why, It Made Me Speechless

I’m Jake, a 32-year-old dad. My world revolves around my three-year-old daughter, Allie. She’s a daddy’s girl and prefers me for bedtime stories, playtime, and meals. My wife, Sarah, usually doesn’t seem to mind, but one evening she said, “You need to move out for a few weeks.”

“Allie needs to bond with me, and she can’t do that if you’re always around,” she explained. Shocked, I argued, “Sarah, that’s crazy. Allie’s just three! She’ll be confused and scared without me.” We compromised on a week apart.

Staying at my friend’s house, I missed Allie terribly. On the fifth day, I decided to surprise her with a Happy Meal. When I arrived home, I found Sarah with her coworker, Dan. “What’s going on here?” I asked. Sarah said, “It’s not what it looks like,” but I felt betrayed.

In the following weeks, Sarah and I took turns caring for Allie, ensuring she felt loved. I moved into a nearby apartment to stay close. Despite Sarah’s efforts to bond with Allie, I couldn’t forgive her betrayal.

One evening, Allie asked, “Daddy, will you always be here?” I replied, “Always, sweetheart. No matter what happens, I’ll always be here for you.” My love for Allie remains unwavering as we navigate this new chapter together.

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