TV Star Darren Criss Urged To Change His Newborn Baby’s ‘Horrible’ Name

TV star Darren Criss is facing backlash for naming his newborn son “Brother.” Known for his role on Glee, Criss and his wife Mia Swier have often shared their personal milestones with fans. Their first child, Bluesy Belle Criss, sparked mixed reactions due to her unique name. Now, the couple’s choice of “Brother” for their son has stirred even more controversy.

The announcement on Instagram drew congratulations from friends and fans, including fellow Glee actors like Matthew Morrison and Kevin McHale. However, criticism quickly followed, with many calling the name “horrible” and predicting it could lead to lifelong teasing. Fans expressed disbelief and concern over the unconventional choice, questioning its practicality and suggesting it might cause confusion in the boy’s future.

The news has spread widely across social media, with reactions ranging from amusement to disbelief. Some speculated on the inspiration behind the names, jokingly linking them to The Blues Brothers movie. Despite the criticism, Criss and Swier have yet to respond publicly to the backlash.

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