Girl Gets Dumped by Her Boyfriend Right before Prom, Shows up Anyway with a Special Guest — Story of the Day

Girl Finds Unexpected Prom Date

Riley, a seventeen-year-old aspiring doctor, often volunteered at a hospital, inspired by her mother. Mrs. Roberts, a patient, appreciated Riley’s help but was concerned about her missing out on typical teenage experiences. When asked about prom, Riley confessed, “I’m not going to the prom. No one invited me.” She had been dumped by her boyfriend just before prom.

Mrs. Roberts, determined to see Riley attend, offered her grandson Caleb as a date. Despite initial reluctance, Riley agreed to go. On prom night, Riley’s nervousness was compounded by fears of encountering her ex-boyfriend, Terry. However, her mother insisted, “You’re going to your prom. You’ll thank me when you’re older.”

At the prom, Riley met Caleb, who immediately tried to ease her nerves with humor. Their night went well until Riley saw Terry with her best friend, Sam. Feeling awful, she was comforted by Caleb, who said, “Thank you for not being ashamed of coming with me.”

Outside the prom, Caleb revealed he was in a wheelchair. Despite her initial embarrassment for judging him, Riley helped him, and they enjoyed the evening together. As they talked under the stars, Riley felt at peace. Caleb kissed her, and she realized how special the night was.

Caleb later stood from his wheelchair, revealing he could walk. “I have this silly habit of testing people. My grandmother said you were a kind and genuine girl,” he explained. Riley’s evening ended with a renewed sense of optimism, knowing that kindness always pays off.

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