While Sister Inherits Mansion, Brother Gets Abandoned House and Finds a Hidden Floor There – Story of the Day

Freddy, his sister Hazel, and her fiancé Mark were discussing their parents’ will, which left the main house to Hazel and the smaller one to Freddy. Freddy felt it was unfair, as their parents had always favored Hazel. Despite his resentment, Freddy decided to focus on renovating the smaller house and documenting his progress on social media. While working on the bathroom, he discovered a hidden staircase leading to a basement, which he initially avoided. However, his curiosity got the better of him, and he eventually found a trap door with a staircase beneath.

As he explored the basement, Freddy found a desk with papers and an old-fashioned typewriter, which belonged to his father. He discovered that his father was a poet and writer, and the papers were filled with beautiful and emotional writings. Freddy also found an ornate box containing pages from a novel his father had written.

These new discoveries made Freddy reevaluate his relationship with his parents and the reasons behind their will. He began to understand that their actions were not motivated by bias, but rather by their own experiences and values. Freddy’s newfound understanding brought him closure and allowed him to move forward.

In the end, Freddy decided to continue renovating the house and honoring his father’s memory by publishing his novel. He also realized that he didn’t need to be defined by his parents’ opinions or biases, but could forge his own path and identity.

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